Archive for May, 2010

Healthy Feet Can Make You Skinny

May 28, 2010

I know foot care isn’t in the news everyday. But did you know that foot care can make you skinnier, look great, feel incredible, and increase your flexibility.

By rolling out your feet on a tennis ball like I have demonstrated in the video you are less likely to experience very painful plantar faciaitis. If you have had it before you know what I am talking about. You don’t want to walk, workout, run, or move your foot at all. So if you can’t move your feet you won’t be able to burn off all those calories.

I hope you enjoy the post and the video. Leave a comment if you like it or don’t like it.

Quick Metabolic Workout

May 25, 2010

Below is a quick metabolic workout that you can do just about anywhere with any exercise.  I recommend you do some type of high intensity cardiovascular exercise three days a week on days that you don’t do resistance training.

Research shows that high intensity cardiovascular exercise can continue to burn calories up to 48 to 72 hours after you have finished your workout.  That is significantly different than walking for 3o minutes at an easy slow pace.  You only burn a few calories during your walk and that is all.

You can follow along or add your own favorite exercises if you like.  After finishing your first four minutes rest for a minute and then repeat again. Try to work up to 20 minutes total.

Committed to Your Success,

Release the Fat…

May 24, 2010

How does the body release stored body fat? One of the quickest ways for our bodies to release body fat is train/workout at such an intensity that it sends your body into as state of “fight or flight”.

You know that feeling during your workout when you think to yourself “I don’t think I can do one more” or “I don’t think I will be able to finish this workout” or my favorite “If he tells me “only more 10 seconds” one more time I am going to let him have it!”

At this point in your workout your body is releasing hormones adrenaline, noradrenaline, and cortisol into your blood stream to help with your panicked state. What also happens is your body taps into it’s storage of fat to use a fuel. During this time when your heart and raising and you can barely catch your breath you are burning a ton of calories to help your body compensate for the stresses that are being placed on it.

Is this a good thing to do? Yes, but not all the time. That is why we have recovery weeks and take days off from training all together.

This next week, when we get back to our workouts let yourself get to that state of “HOLY CRAP I DON’T THINK I CAN DO ONE MORE REP!”place and know that it is helping you move closer to your fitness/fat loss goals. It is okay to yell and motivate those around you. You don’t have to leave it all to me.

Have a great weekend. I look forward to seeing you next week.

Committed to Your Success,

18 Pounds in Two Months!!!

May 10, 2010

Congratulations to Diane Metz for dropping 18 pounds over the past two months!

Below is a brief description of Pinnacle Fitness Boot Camps and what Diane’s secret to losing all that weight so quickly was.

You could do the same thing if you set your mind to it and put a few simple systems in place to help you get what you want.

She also told me she had changed her eating habits as well as her family’s eating habits.  It is tough but you can do it just like she has.

If you are struggling with dropping those last few pounds or need to get started let me know and we can set up a time to talk about what you are doing or more importantly, not doing

Committed to Your Success,


Pinnacle Fitness Boot Camp Droping Inches for Free in America’s Fattest City

May 6, 2010

Below is a press release I just submitted.  We will be offering FREE 1-Week trials to all Corpus Christi residents who are not already currently enrolled in our program.

Tell your friends, neighbors, family, enemies etc… to join for free and see what you have been missing and what everyone is talking about.