Archive for September, 2014

Back to School Transformation Contest Registration NOW OPEN!!!

September 2, 2014

We’re excited to announce that registration has finally opened for the Back to School Transformation Contest!

We’ve come to the end of summer, and it’s time to return to school. But for everyone at Pinnacle Performance and Fitness, this time of year marks 6 weeks where you can get in the best shape possible.

What we do throughout the year is certainly effective, but this competition has 2 things that will GUARANTEE better results:

Competition and prizes!

It’s a fact that humans are urged to higher levels of performance when they are motivated by competition with others. As social animals, we thrive in a group setting, and our sense of pride doesn’t want to be let down—as well as our sense of accountability to our teammates.

But the second part of the equation is that there are REWARDS for getting results. How much better shape would you and your teams be in if someone paid you all a $1000 to do so?

Well that’s EXACTLY what we’re giving away this year!

You can win:

$1000 for the team with the biggest transformation and $250 will go to one person with the most significant transformation.

I have a goal to get 50 people signed up for this contest. We’re going to have a ton of fun, and it’s going to be the biggest event of the fall.

So sign up today! Get a team together and email Monica at pinnaclecc2006@gmail and register today. 

Registration ends September 9th, and the kickoff party is on September 11th at 6:15pm.

Let’s get in the best shape possible over these next 6 weeks!

Committed to Your Success,
