Archive for January, 2015

I am the type of person…

January 5, 2015
I am the type of person…
This past weekend I offered a 1-hour Goal Setting workshop to anyone interested in getting 2015 started off with a plan.  Everyone seemed to get some clarity on what they want to accomplish this year and a few strategies on how to go about it.  I had never done goal setting in a group before but it seemed to work really well.
One of strategies we talked about that I think had a profound affect on me as well as some of the participants was the idea of “who do you need to be to accomplish your goal?”
The author of an audio book that I am listening to for the second time now tells a story of being at a funeral of a family friend whose older brother had died and the younger brother was giving the eulogy.  It was common knowledge that the two brothers did not get along and had not spoken in years but still the younger brother was up there giving the eulogy.
The younger brother gave a touching eulogy and didn’t bring up even one negative story about his deceased older brother.  After the funeral the author went over to the brother who had just given the eulogy and asked, “I know you and your brother had not gotten along in years. It must have been tough not to say anything bad about him.”  The younger brother replied by saying, “I am not the kind of person who speaks ill of the dead.”
Because this man sees himself as someone who would never speak ill of the the dead he would not allow himself to say or act in any other way.
How does this story relate goals or new years resolutions?  Well, who do you need to be or not need to be to reach your goals.
Do you need to be the type of person who enjoys vegetables?
Do you need to be the type of person who does not drink soft drinks?
Do you need to be the type of person who gets 8 hours of sleep?
Do you need to be the type of person who enjoys waking up early?
Do you need to be the type of person who hugs their kids more?
Do you need to be the type of person who prepares their meals?
Do you need to be the type of person who saves 10% of their salary each month?
Even if you are not this type of person NOW, you can change and become that person. You are not stagnate!  You can be whoever you need to be to make your goal a reality.
If you don’t know who you need be lets set up a time and talk.
Who do you need be to make your dreams a reality?  Why not try being that person until your dreams come true?
Give a shot and let me know what happens.
I hope 2015 is off to a great start for you.  I look forward to seeing you in the gym soon.
Committed to Your Success,